




2023年12月22日在紐約曼哈頓56大街,朱維彬先生一行(著名策展人方振寧老師和索菲亞小姐)再次見到美國藝術品價值評估委員會主席、溫斯頓藝術集團董事長伊麗莎白·馮·哈布斯堡女士;她曾在2014年收藏作品《 線象系列一 》黑白經(jīng)典系列;伊麗莎白女士非常認可朱維彬在藝術上取得的成就,對朱維彬不斷推陳出新的創(chuàng)新精神和作品給予了高度評價和贊賞。


Artistic Resume






Zhu Weibin (Fan Chang)

Born in Kunming, Yunnan Province, he graduated from the School of Fine Arts, Southwest University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese painting.

Graduated in 1989 and was assigned to work in Beijing. Lives and works in Beijing.

Representative work "Crazy Logic · Line Image Series" (oil painting)

(1992/1993 mixed in the Old Summer Palace Painter's Village).


Major solo exhibition

2017 /“線象系列作品個人展覽”/日本筑波韻空間

2016 /“朱維彬個人畫展”798寧空間/北京

2016 /“朱維彬個展”/北京嘉里中心中畫廊/北京

2016 /“對話”與歐洲瑞士著名藝術家盧西亞諾·卡斯特利雙個展/798/北京

2006 /“個展”墨嵐畫館/北京

2000 / 華萊畫廊/北京

1994 /“人氣系列”/個展/北京語言學院(文化學院展廳) /北京

1993 / 個展“魂靈舞蹈”朱維彬現(xiàn)當代水墨藝術展/北京當代美術館/北京

1988 /“個展”西南大學(原西南師范大學美術系展覽館)/重慶

2017 / "Line Image Series Personal Exhibition"/Tsukuba Yun Space, Japan

2016 / "Zhu Weibin Solo Exhibition" 798 Space/Beijing

2016 / "Zhu Weibin Solo Exhibition"/Kerry Center Gallery, Beijing/Beijing

2016 / "Dialogue" and the famous European Swiss artist Luciano Castelli double solo exhibition /798/ Beijing

2006 / "Solo Exhibition" Muran Painting Gallery/Beijing

2000 / Hualai Gallery/Beijing

1994 / "Popular Series"/Solo Exhibition/Beijing Language Institute (Hall of Culture Institute)/Beijing

1993 / Solo Exhibition "Soul Dance" Zhu Weibin Modern and Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition/Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art/Beijing

1988 / "Solo Exhibition" Southwest University (formerly Southwest Normal University Art Department Exhibition Hall)/Chongqing


Major group exhibition

2023/“邁阿密巴塞爾藝術周” 美國邁阿密

2023 /“當代藝術名家邀請展”上上國際美術館/北京

2021 /“2020年以來的自畫像”四川美院國際邀請展/重慶

2021 /“重啟當代·藝術家邀請展”北京當代藝術館/北京

2019 /“異境平臺·中美藝術家國際交流展”/美國賓夕法尼亞州州立大學佐勒美術館,獲邀在展覽開幕式上代表中國藝術家發(fā)表演講,獲得熱烈掌聲與好評

2019 /“出口 2019—國際藝術展”/美國紐約哈德遜歷史博物館

2019 /“第三十六屆韓國新美術大展國際邀請展”/韓國首爾

2016 /“當代藝術展”/德國杜塞爾多夫

2016 / 宋莊美術館建館十周年特展”/北京

2015 /“亞洲抽象藝術展”北京保利藝術博物館/北京

2014 /“藝術北京”當代藝術博覽會/北京

2014 /“超象·痕跡與線性”798圣之空間/北京

2013 /“暗物質”中捷當代美術館/北京

2013 /“We•20”宋莊美術館/北京

2011 /“歷史新宋莊”上上美術館/北京

1994 /“中國當代藝術歐洲巡展”/阿芒拿畫廊1989“慶祝建國四十周年四川省美術展”/成都

2023 / "Miami Basel Art week" Miami, USA

2023 / "Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition" Shangshang International Art Museum/Beijing

2021 / "Self-Portraits Since 2020" Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts International Invitational Exhibition/Chongqing

2021 / "Restart Contemporary · Artist Invitational Exhibition" Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art/Beijing

2019 / "Exotic Platform · Chinese and American Artists International Exchange Exhibition"/Zoller Art Museum, Pennsylvania State University, USA, was invited to give a speech on behalf of Chinese artists at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, which won warm applause and praise

2019 / "Export 2019 - International Art Exhibition"/Hudson Museum of History, New York, USA

2019 / "The 36th Korea New Art Exhibition International Invitation Exhibition"/Seoul, South Korea

2016 / Contemporary Art Exhibition/Dusseldorf, Germany

2016 / Songzhuang Art Museum 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition "/ Beijing

2015 / "Asian Abstract Art Exhibition", Beijing Poly Art Museum/Beijing

2014 / Art Beijing Contemporary Art Fair/Beijing

2014 / "Superimage, Trace and Linearity" 798 Holy Space/Beijing

2013 / "Dark Matter" Sino-Czech Museum of Contemporary Art/Beijing

2013 / "We•20" Songzhuang Art Museum/Beijing

2011 / "Historical New Song Zhuang" Shang Art Museum/Beijing

1994 / "Chinese Contemporary Art Tour to Europe"/Armanna Gallery 1989 "Sichuan Art Exhibition Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of China"/Chengdu


Review articles published in representative academic journals



1994《未世之歌與靈魂之舞》——高嶺(藝術評論家中央美術學院藝術史博士 天津美院教授)

1995年3期《中國美術報》靈魂之舞(文:易英 中央美術學院美術史教授 著名藝術評論家)

2013朱維彬作品展《精神和物性重合的“線象”表達》—— 張海濤(原宋莊美術館執(zhí)行館長,策展人 藝術評論家)


2016《交織的叢林》—— 彭鋒(2011年威尼斯雙年展中國國家館策展人,北京大學藝術學院院長、美學教授,博士生導師,藝術評論家)

2016一種需要被翻譯的繪畫 ——以《線象》為例,試論朱維彬其人其畫——俞心樵(詩人)

2016《線象交織的叢林》——萬永婷(臺灣策展人 藝術評論家 北京大學藝術批評理論博士)(出版于2016年10月期ARTINWESTMENT《典藏投資》)




In 1994, the 10 issues of "Culture Monthly" (the journal of the Ministry of Culture of China) had a relatively wide influence in that year. Echoes of the Soul - Zhu Weibin and His Soul Dance (Wu Yue/Shi Linlin)

In June 1994, Jiangsu Pictorial Magazine (one of the few academic journals of contemporary art in that year) had a wide influence in the art world in that year. In 1994, the two issues of Meiyuan (one of the few academic journals of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in that year) were more influential in the art world in that year

1994 "The Song of the Unknown and the Dance of the Soul" -- Gao Ling (art critic, Doctor of Art History, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts)

1995 3rd issue of "China Art Daily" Soul Dance (Written by Yi Ying, Professor of Art History of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, famous art critic)

2013 Zhu Weibin's Work exhibition "Line Image" Expression of the Overlap of Spirit and Material Nature "-- Zhang Haitao (former Executive Director of Songzhuang Art Museum, curator and art critic)

2014 "Superimage, Trace and Linearity" Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House

2016 "Intertwined Jungle" -- Peng Feng (Curator of the China Pavilion at the 2011 Venice Biennale, Dean of the School of Art, Peking University, Professor of Aesthetics, doctoral supervisor, art critic)

2016 A Painting that needs to be Translated -- A Case Study of Zhu Weibin and his Paintings -- Yu Xinqiao (poet)

2016 "The Jungle of Intertwined Threads and Images" - Wan Yongting (Taiwan curator art critic, PhD in Art Criticism Theory, Peking University) (published in ARTINWESTMENT Collection Investment, October 2016)

2019 "Sino-US Higher Art Education Summit Album" (published by Sino-US Art Exchange Association) was invited to deliver a speech on behalf of Chinese artists at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, which won warm applause and praise

2022 "Portrait of the Image Series" Lone hand thunder - painter Van Gogh (Red Storm) won the first prize in the fourth International Abstract Network Exhibition (Chinese Abstract Artists Alliance).

2023 "Crazy Logic" : Zhu Weibin's Spatial Control and Stream of Consciousness, Independent Art (We media) Lu Wenyue (poet and playwright)


Be collected


Shangshang International Art Museum, Songzhuang Art Museum, School of Fine Arts, Southwest University, Shangyuan Art Museum, Shengzhi Art Space, Beijing Language and Culture Institute and other domestic and foreign art institutions.

作品代表性個人收藏:美國藝術品價值評估委員會主席、溫斯頓藝術集團(Winston Art Group)執(zhí)行總裁伊麗莎白·馮哈布斯堡以及中國、英國、美國、德國、荷蘭、日本、中國臺灣、韓國等等眾多個人藏家收藏。

Representative personal collection of works: Elizabeth Von Habsburg, chairman of the American Art Valuation Committee and executive president of Winston Art Group, as well as many individual collectors in China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and so on.



Works auction

In June 2015, Beijing Poly 10th anniversary Spring Auction "Modern and Contemporary Art Evening" wor

2 0 2 3線 象 系 列 一之 二 分 之 一 ( 6 )5 0 x 6 0 c m布 面 油 彩

2023Line image series 11/2-6 50x60cm Oil on canvas

2023 Line image series 11/2-7 50x60cm Oil on canvas

2023線 象 系 列 一之 二 分 之 一 ( 7 )5 0 x 6 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023 瘋 狂 的 邏 輯 之 藍 色 5 0 x 6 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023 Crazy logic(Blue) 50x60cm Oil on Canvas

2023 Crazy logic(Blue) 50x60cm Oil on Canvas

2023 瘋 狂 的 邏 輯 之 藍 色 5 0 x 6 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023 Line image Series 1 -16 170x250cm Double spell Oil on canvas

2023 線 象 系 列 一 16 170 x 250 cm 雙 聯(lián) 布 面 油 彩

2023 Line image Series 1 -16 170x250cm Oil on canvas

2 0 2 3 線 象 系 列 一 1 6 1 7 0 x 2 5 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023 Line image Series 1 Purple and blue triangles 170x125cmx2 Oil on canvas

2023 線 象 系 列 一 之 紫 色 與 藍 色 三 角 形 170 x 125 c m x 2 布 面 油 彩

2023 Mustard & Sumeru 6 170x125cm Oil on Canvas

2023 芥 子 須 彌 6 170 x 125 cm 布 面 油 彩

2023 Mustard & Sumeru 7 170x125cm Oil on Canvas

2023 芥 子 須 彌 7 170 x 125 cm 布 面 油 彩

2 0 2 3 芥 子 須 彌 系 列 6 - 7之 紫 氣 東 來紫 色 是 偉 大 圣 人 的 象 征

1 7 0 x 1 2 5 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023Mustard & Sumeru(芥子須彌)Purple air comes from the east

40x60cm Oil on canvas

2023 Mustard & Sumeru(芥子須彌) Purple air comes from the east 32x32cmx2 Oil on canvas

2023 Line image series 1 Crazy logic 60x80cm Oil on canvas

2 0 2 3 線 象 系 列 一 - 風 狂 的 邏 輯 6 0 x 8 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023 Line image series 1 Crazy logic 60x80cm Oil on canvas

2 0 2 3 線 象 系 列 一 - 風 狂 的 邏 輯 6 0 x 8 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2019 Qinyuan in March 60x80cm Oil on canvas

2 0 1 9 三 月 沁 園 6 0 x 8 0 c m 布 面 油 彩

2023 Red flower 32x32cm Acrylic painting on canvas

2 0 2 1肖 像 之 象之 梵 高/數(shù) 碼 版 畫 Portrait imageVan Gogh Digital print

下一篇:展會預告 | 第52屆(北京)全國文房四寶藝術博覽會招展工作火熱進行中

